Greater involvement of lay people in leading worship has been well received in many churches as congregations have come to see how rich worship can be when many people are involved. When different members of the the congregation welcome us, read the scriptures, offer the prayers, distribute the bread and wine, prepare communion, lead the music, worship takes on a sense of deeper ownership on the part of the congregation.

We are inviting you to thoughtfully prayer how you can become involved or how what you are already doing is not just a “job.” It is truly a sacred ministry for you at Saint Michael.

In the next weeks we will be inviting you to take a bit of time to explore these ministries of worship. Be looking for a sheet in the bulletin that invites you to find out more. As all things that are worth it, it will take a little time and effort on all our part. Here are areas that we would like you to be thinking about:

  • Assistant Minister
  • Communion Assistant
  • Lector
  • Processions
  • Altar Guild
  • Worship Committee
  • Adult & Children’s Choirs
  • Bell Choirs
  • Solo or group musician
  • Brass players
  • Recorders
  • Setting the sanctuary

When Don Engdahl and his wife Trill joined Saint Michael, he shared this impression: “Everyone seems willing to serve…if there is a void during service or otherwise, people stand up to help.”

We would be blessed if you could join us in taking part in one of these leadership and group opportunities! Please contact Nancy Robson ( for more information.