The Salt Shaker Blog

The Salt Shaker

Flavoring the world with justice and love.

Jesus told his followers, “You are the salt of the earth”. Salt, in the right amounts and in the right situations, preserves, flavors, and enables life. When love is shared and justice prevails for all people, the world is preserved, flavored and enabled with the Divine Life of God.  So pass the salt and let’s do a little shaking. Pastor Tim Koester

2023 Pastoral Leadership Update

2023 Pastoral Leadership Update

Nearly eight years ago, I was called to Saint Michael as the “Senior Pastor”, which is interesting because I’ve been the only called pastor during that time. I have however, crossed into the “55 and older” category, so maybe there is a discount on church supplies I’ve...

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“Homecoming” is a word you will be hearing a lot in the coming weeks. Not only is it the season of pep rallies, parades, and football games at area schools, but “Homecoming” is also the theme of the Fall Stewardship Appeal at SMLC. Homecoming events are grounded in...

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The journey of discovery

The journey of discovery

My dog embarks on a new journey of discovery every day, even though we walk almost the same path. She is in very familiar surroundings and yet around each corner (and especially at every signpost), there are new discoveries to be made. Scents I cannot detect....

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A Call to Serve

Discernment is always a process. Sometimes it is short.  Sometimes it takes years.  Sometimes it means listening to voices that are not your own.  Sometimes it means ignoring those voices. A path can become clear after an "Epiphany" or it can be a slow and zig-zagging...

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Not your usual election

This year, the voting members at the Nebraska Synod assembly will be electing a new bishop for the synod. It is far from a typical “election”, however; and because my name is now associated with the process, I thought it would be good to talk a little bit more about...

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Christmas Eve 2021

Last year at this time, I was posting about how Christmas Eve was definitely going to be different.  We only had worship leaders in the sanctuary when we live-streamed Christmas Eve worship.  After that, the high school youth helped lead two worship services in the...

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Annual Meeting Recap 2021

Who said annual meetings can't be fun? Those who follow Jesus are called into a life of Faith in the steadfast mercy of God, a life of Hope that dares us to walk into the unknown future trusting that all will be well, and a life of love for neighbors, ourselves, and...

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The glory of Fall

I’ve always been partial to the fall season.  It’s the time of harvest, of more brilliant sunrise and set, and when the north wind finally chases away summer’s heat.  Fall is when the squirrels are busy collecting all they can in order to make it through the lean...

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